Sunday, April 26, 2009

Been awhile - AGAIN. I still suck at this.

So, awhile back the boys asked to join 4H. Sure, no problem. What a better way to teach them responsibility, help build their character, and provide a positive socialization outlet, right? We have been going to meetings, and have chosen our projects for the year. Because Ryan was not 7 by January 1, he has to be a Cloverbud. No big deal, you would think. WRONG. He is pissed. Seriously. It makes me laugh, but really, once he figures out that he can do EVERYTHING Cody is doing, and NOT have to keep a record book, I think he will change his mind. Their projects are poultry (enter chicks and ducks), geology (yay - rocks!) and rabbits. Ryan is only interested in rabbits. Cody wants to do EVERYTHING. It is exhausting, but fun. I have learned to raise baby chicks and ducks, and I have a few that are quite fond of me. And more that hate me. LOL Oh well. I have been the only one taking care of said animals. Cannot say I am surprised....

Summer is coming! SO Excited. I will only work 2-3 days a week this summer, so the boys and I can go do lots of fun long as it is cheap! I am excited to spend days at the ool. I love the pool.

I am going to go back to school. I am torn on what to do, but I need to go back and finish what I started. I will just take online classes for awhile, then when I get Braden's schedule all figured out at daycare, I may go on campus ... but I doubt it. I am too old for that shit.

I am turning 30 so very soon....