I have a million things I have to do tonight, so I only have a minute, but the garden is coming right along! The tomatoes and peppers are in, and a lot of stuff is poking up from under the dirt! It is so exciting. I got my first sunburn of the year today while I was out watering and planting my good from the garden swap I attended this past Saturday. Nothing too bad, but it's there!
Ryan is still having a really hard time at school - I have a feeling that like me, he is just done. Finished, checked out until August. I feel like this summer is going to bring a lot of big changes for our family, but I have not made any final decisions known, so I will not go into it just yet. I have a couple of weeks left of school and I will DEFINITELY be taking this summer off from that....I have really stretched myself too thin on it and put way too much pressure and stress on myself. Blah.
Jeremy has been gone a lot with the weather better - hallelujah for the growing bank account, but the kids are not to pleased about it. Braden will scream "I want my Daddy...!!" whenever he is in trouble, hurt, tired, hungry, happy, clean, dirty...you get the picture. LOL
There are so many things that have to be taken care of on a farm....Geesh! I should think about hiring a cute little farm hand. KIDDING. I am the only farm hand we will have. I am just a tad lazy sometimes.
I had a blast with a group of super cool people on Sunday. I am sure if you look hard enough, you will come across a few pictures from the day. (I must state my disclaimer: My children were NOWHERE around any of it, and I was a free bird for ONE day. So, therefore, what happens on the Save the Boobies Run, STAYS on the Save the Boobies Run...right?) Our mission was to Save the Boobies. We drank, played and laughed all while being driven around in a pimped out party bus. I had a blast - and laughed so hard. Some of us ( I am not naming any names) even peed our pants. Ha! But, dont tell anyone..... ;)