Monday, October 6, 2008


Happy Monday!

BDiddy is not feeling well, so we get to stay home tomorrow. I think he is fine, but had a freak fever this afternoon, so we are happily following the rules and staying out for 24 hours. I need to catch up on the laundry, and read up on the message boards I have been neglecting.

Went to the KSU game Saturday - HUGE let down. But, oh well, still got my drink on!

I miss my friend in PA. I wish I didn't live so far away, or I would go sit with her and do nothing but chat all day and watch the babies play.
I hope Kelly has her baby soon - just so I can stop annoying her with my 'are you still pregnant?' im's. :)

That's all. How is that for Random? LOL


mel @ the larson lingo said...

I hope Braden feels better soon! And, I hope you get to go back to PA to visit Lyddie again!

Anonymous said...

What did you do, get the PW to work like as soon as you signed off? Awesome. Glad you got it working, sorry B-man (I just cant call him B-Diddy lol) isn't feeling well, but glad you'll hopefully get to talk to me tomorrow =o)

rudegrl said...

I love randomness! Hope Braden feels better soon and that he doesn't get any worse. Carter just got over a cold and now Mason has it. Fun times.