Thursday, July 1, 2010

I cannot believe it is, JULY already!

Holy cow this summer is flying by. The animals are all fine, the garden is growing, and Jeremy and I even got it weeded the other night. Thank goodness for that, too because it was BAD. Cody was a HUGE help ... he has decided he loves to weed eat. AWESOME. One less thing for mom to do that she hates. :) Ryan is doing so good in his summer program. He actually really enjoys it. They have goals that they set at the beginning of each week, and if they meet at least 80% of their goals, they are invited to go on the big, fun field trip on Thursday. Yesterday, Ryan brought home his paper and he met 95% of his goal - NINETY-FIVE PERCENT!! That is so awesome, especially since he was not there on Monday! So, he met and exceeded his 80 % in just 2 days! I am so proud of him. He was pretty pleased with himself, as he should be. :) Braden has decided that heis afraid of everything. He will not get into the big pool, is terrified of the "monsters" under his bed, in the closets, behind the toilet...the list goes on and on. He says some pretty funny things ... and is 100% potty trained. YAY!! He has been using the toilet for awhile, but would have at least an accident or seven everyday. Not anymore. He is a professional - even with the monsters behind the toilet. :) I asked him why he did not want to go swimming in my pool with me the other day and he looked at me with the sweetest, saddest face and said "because I am horrible scared of it." Hey, at least the kid is honest!

This is all I have for this post. I have another coming that will be more 'business' related, so if you are not interested in my business...stay away! :)


1 comment:

The Hunt Family said...

this post made me smile! i am happy to hear that life is so rockin for you! i love you!