Sunday, January 9, 2011

Maybe just a day behind...

My baby turned 11 yesterday.  It was a good day.  We went and met Grandma Debbie for lunch in Topeka, then rushed home and power cleaned the house to get ready for the party!  The boys were all good - and I hope that they had a good time.  I went to bed a little after 2 am, and there was just one last little guy barely hanging on to staying awake.

Cody was born in Texas on January 08, 2000....I remember being very anxious that I was going to go into labor and my loved ones would not be able to get there in time.  Thankfully, that did not happen...even though it was THE LONGEST labor I have ever had.  EVER.  I checked into the hospital on January 6th at 4 something in the afternoon.  Cody was born at 11:10 pm (AT NIGHT!!) on the 8th...2 days later.  IT WAS HORRENDOUS.  But, in the end, my squishy 9 pound, 19 inch long baby was SO worth it.  I don't have a ton of pictures within scanning distance right now, but here are a few...

My belly ...about a week before he was born - 
I gained nearly 70 pounds and did not have any stretch marks until the last 3 weeks!

Proud AuntBer

 Aunt Shauna!

 Papa John was always stuffing my poor baby into things...

 First haircut
This was a hot day in APRIL when I was pregnant with Ryan.  It was so hot!

 He LOVES my grandma.  He calls her "The Great One"...LOVE it!

 Four generations...I was so skinny! 

It is really hard to go through and only pick a few pictures.  My kid is cute.  And, he is 11 now.  So sad...but so excited to see what the future holds for him.  I love you, Cody.  Thank you for being you, and making me a mother, and for being such a great big brother.  Happy (late) Birthday, Buddy.  


The Hunt Family said...

He is so handsome. All three of them are. I cannot believe you have an 11 year old... that is crazy to me. Happy birthday to your sweet boy and again to Mr. B come Thursday.

Love you


Grandma said...

And you are the best Mom ever. Happy birthday Cody! I love you. You share a birthday month with some very special people. Aunt Ber on the 12th and Braden on the 13th. This is a week to celebrate the birth of 3 beautiful people.