Monday, January 10, 2011

Ten on Ten

Today was 10 on 10 day .... A picture every hour for 10 hours on the 10th of the month.  I started out strong - but I failed.  I have been working really hard on other stuff.  You know, stuff.  Like - cleaning the house.  And playing in the snow.  We had a snow day today.  I suppose I should REALLY stop grouching about the is the first real snow we have had since March of 2010.  Hmmm, how about that?  We nearly made it a year without snow.  Well, we deserved that break after the HELL we went through last winter!!  We have a snow day tomorrow, too.  Too bad the boys won't have anything fun to do, and all of their toys are locked up in the shed in tubs.  Guess who's foot was impaled by a lego, and who will be spending the day tomorrow snuggled in bed with the sick little boy watching Diego and Wonder Pets in a CLEAN room?  Yep.  That would be ME.  Guess who will be cleaning until their room is sparkling and no longer growing new pets under the beds?  YEP - CODY AND RYAN.  They are stoked, I know it. 
Braden is sick.  He is coughing a little, nothing major, but he is also running a fever.  We were snuggling watching Dan in Real Life (have you ever seen that?  You should watch it, it is so good) and his fever broke and he was all sweaty.  I am glad, it has been going strong since yesterday morning.  Advil is awesome.  Ibuprofen is awesome.  I am hoping that my mindless rambling will make up for the fact that I did not take 10 pictures today.  How about this?  Instead of the 10 on 10, I will try to commit myself to the 365 day picture challenge.  I promise to try my very best to take a picture every day for a year and post it.  Hold me accountable stalkers!  :) 

I will start today.  I will give you a few extras, too.


Cami said...

Yay for another 365er! I've got you linked on my blogs so I'll be stalking you.

The Hunt Family said...

365? WOW!!! I know I would fail miserably at that.

I'll be checking in on yours for sure

Noodles said...

Great pictures! but sorry I am laughing at you....Instead of doing 10 pictures in a day you want to do 365 of them? haha