Monday, December 27, 2010

Remembering 2010

Bear with me...I am in a mood. I am feeling nostalgic - and have a few other posts I want to do, but it is just not time for them yet. So..I am going to attempt to remember 2010, without crying the whole time about the LOOOOOOOONG miserable winter. :)

I have said it several times, but the Summer of 2010 was by far one of my most favorite. It was spent with my children every day, and filled with love and laughter and a lot of beer with some really wonderful friends. I am a very lucky girl. I have three BEAUTIFUL little boys that call ME mommy. I have a husband that works very hard to provide for us, and even though he is not very good at saying it - I am pretty sure he loves us too much to put it into words. (At least, that is what I like to tell myself, lol.) My parents are happy and healthy, and my friends...well, the word 'friend' is not sufficient. They are my family. My CHOSEN family. I have been spending the past few hours looking at all the pictures I have taken over the year. I am going to attempt to share as many of them as I can. Enjoy....

January brought more snow. Lots and lots more snow, some ice, and these two cute little fellas.
Cody turned 10 - TEN!
And, well - we were still snowed in, so no big party. We were sure to spend a lot of time in our pj's, and played a LOT of Wii!
Braden turned THREE...
and his favorite things to eat were "Mock n Geeze", hot dogs and ANY fruit you put on his plate.
February...still cold. With snow. We were really getting tired of it - so we decided to put eggs into bottles without breaking either object...

SUCCESS! And a 1st place blue ribbon in the science fair! Cody is such a little scientist. So stinkin smart.

Here - a snow picture...

And, I actually did lose a little bit of weight ... which I promptly put back on drinking all those beers this summer! :)


Oh! Look - more snow! It was really getting ridiculous at that point...the kids were snowed in on SPRING BREAK! LOL
FINALLY....the snow melted and it warmed up.
See...Pete was even happy about that!
The babies were all born and grew SO FAST! Here is Annabelle and a few piglets...

Oh - and we must not forget that day - you know, the WINDIEST day in Jefferson County history...yeah, the same day that the people up the road decided to burn trash and not cover their barrels? Uhm, hum....pasture on fire...firetrucks and police EVERYWHERE.

In the end, we counted our blessings. The animals and barn were fine, and all that we lost was a bit of fence, some trees and a lot of dried out grass that we would have burned off in April or May. So, we did not have to burn anything off since it was all done for us a bit early that
The boys were supposed to be watching to make sure that the perimeter was well watered. I caught them dancing on the manure pile.

April brought Easter, spring storms and concerts, planting and fishing!

April also brought Miss Laci

I have to break this up into separate posts...blogger does not like it to be too long, I guess. Stay tuned for the second part tomorrow...or the next day. Someone remind me that I left it this way, ok? :)

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